Pfizer covid vaccine, laboratory accused of data falsification

Accusations of ‘data falsification’ and ‘delays in monitoring side effects’ for the Ventavia research group, commissioned by the multinational Pfizer to evaluate, for a small part, the effectiveness of its vaccine. An article published in the British Medical Journal, written by investigative journalist Paul D Thacker, who unleashes the #Pfizergate on Twitter, points the finger. In the work of Ventavia, a Texan company specializing in clinical trials, there would have been many shortcomings also reported to the Food and Drug Administration (Fda) by a witness inside the company. The main source of the BMJ article is a former Ventavia employee, Brook Jackson, who worked two weeks on Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine tests and who witnessed many ‘errors’, including labeling issues that compromised the ‘double-blind’ evaluation system. Sources told BMJ that the Texan company employed inadequately trained vaccinators and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III study. “The staff who conducted the quality checks were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of problems encountered,” says BMJ.

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