Criminalists are looking for a dangerous recidivist, he has a submachine gun tattooed on his head and the inscription Dealer –

03. 11. 2021 15:44 | BANSKÁ BYSTRICA /

He has been convicted of various violent crimes several times in the past.

Stanislav Kaliský.
Photo: facebook / Police of the Slovak Republic – Banská Bystrica Region

Banská Bystrica criminal investigators are looking for 28-year-old Stanislav Kaliska. He is suspicious in connection with the robbery that took place last Tuesday (October 26) on Terézie Vansová Street in Banská Bystrica.

According to the police, the young man is dangerous and has been punished several times in the past for various violent crimes.

The wanted Kaliský has a slender figure, he is about 180 centimeters tall. He has a distinctive tattoo on the neck and side of the head with the words Dealer and a submachine gun. He has shaved hair behind his ears, respectively. it can be cut for a short time, the police described the recidivist on a social network.

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