Toia: “We need ambition and pragmatism for changes in mobility”

“There is no change in sustainability if there are not many stakeholders together. We are moving in the right direction both from a legislative and a planning point of view. Many things have already been done in Europe. is that of the strategy for the next 10 and more years. The Commission comes with a Strategy for sustainable and intelligent mobility to revolutionize the entire communication system and to change sustainable mobility in all areas “. Thus the MEP Patrizia Toia, member of the Commission for industry, research and energy during the Panel “From norms to practice: EU directives applied in Italy” of the first day of “Wave”, a conference on sustainable mobility conceived by the start-up specialized in core corporate communication and held today in Rome. “Europe wants to go very quickly on the path of transformation in all sectors – he adds – and not only on mobility, but ambition is needed. As high as my ambition is, so high must my pragmatism be. We must therefore combine the” ambition to research and the availability of resources. We must not gamble the future by making mistakes in the present. We bet on change “.

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