Pensions today, how many are there, average allowance: the news

Spotlights on maneuver 2022 and pensions. While we are moving towards 102 for just one year, 2022, with an ad hoc fund to accompany workers who would end up being penalized by the new requirements, today the INPS observatory on ‘Pension benefits and beneficiaries of the Italian pension system’ shows that the benefits of the Italian pension system in force at 31 December 2020 are 22,717,120, for a total annual amount of 307,690 million euros. From the analysis of the territorial distribution of pensions and pensioners, it is observed that in the northern regions there is a greater number of pensions and pensioners (respectively 47.3% and 47.8% of the total). The average amounts of pensions are higher in the North than in the rest of Italy (+7.1 percentage points compared to the national average). Analyzing the distribution of pensioners by age group, with a five-year amplitude between 65 and 79 years, it is observed that the most numerous class, for both males and females, is that of the over eighty-year-olds. The class where the highest average amount is found is, for both sexes, that between 65 and 69 years. OLD AGE PENSIONS – The largest group of pensioners is that of holders of old-age pensions: they are 11,168,031. Among these, 27.9% are also holders of treatments belonging to other types. There are about 1 million pensioners with social security disabilities; just under half (49.6%) accumulate pensions of a type other than those of social security disability. The holders of survivors’ pensions are 4,305,860; about one third (32.6%) only receive survivors’ pensions, while the remaining 67.4% also receive other types of pensions. The beneficiaries of welfare services are approximately 3.6 million; 50.7% are also holders of services other than welfare services. It is mainly the recipients of accompanying allowances who also receive social security pensions. AVERAGE ALLOWANCE – The total of pensions starting in 2020 is 861,070, for an average monthly amount of 1,240 euros: of these, 472,866 refer to women, for an average monthly amount of 1,030 euros, and 388,204 to men, with € 1,494 per month. The INPS notes this in monitoring pension flows. In particular, as regards the individual categories, the pensions with effect from 2020 were: 271,459 old-age pensions (including social allowances), 292,012 early pensions, 44,736 invalidity pensions and 252,863 survivors’ pensions. In the first nine months of 2021: 199,837 old age, 214,409 anticipated, 30,284 invalidity and 172,827 survivors. Analyzing the individual managements, the Employee Pension Fund totaled 367,257 pensions in 2020 and 264,062 in the first nine months of 2021; this is followed by the management of public employees with 168,896 and 119,627 respectively, artisans (93,540 and 66,088), merchants (81,828 and 57,291), parasubordinates (38,428 and 27,443) and direct farmers, settlers and sharecroppers (41,450 and 27,606). The social allowances were 69,671 in 2020 and 55,240 in 2021. The new pensions with effect from January-September 2021 were 617,357 in total, for an average monthly amount of 1,219 euros: also in this case women’s pensions prevail in terms of number, 348,758 against 268,599 for men, but with a lower average monthly amount (1,036 euros against 1,456 euros for men).

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