Giusitiza, Bianchi: “attention to education can lead to great change”

Justice is the founding idea of ​​a society which, in order to remain united, must have fundamental reference parameters: “the right of everyone to have the same opportunities; to be evaluated for what they do; to be able to manifest themselves in the course of their life, by participating full of collective life “. “It is a crucial issue addressed by our Constitution from the beginning in that beautiful article 2 which is reflected in the education and in which it is written that the Republic recognizes and protects individual rights but at the same time requires the duty of solidarity”. This was stated by the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi who, speaking at the Salone della Giustizia with a video message, affirms: “the attention to school and education, deriding individualism and populism, can favor the birth of a country movement projected towards health, justice, environment, equality and creator of the great change “. “The Republic recognizes the individual right to personal training to participate in collective life and affirm oneself, in a collective duty of solidarity, which in a country means that everyone must have the same opportunities from birth,” recalls Bianchi. This is why in the NRP, especially with targeted interventions in the South, to which 40% of the funds will go, “we wanted an unprecedented massive intervention on nurseries from which the first opportunities are measured and opportunities for young families to have children and for women to participate in collective life “, which being objectively missing in the southern regions” determine an injustice “. The school must make it possible to build communities: “for this it is necessary to start again from the school dropout index, on average in Italy slightly higher than the European level but with regions such as Campania, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia with an index of very high dispersion, which in some urban suburbs reaches about 30% “. There is also the drama of implicit dispersion “that is, one reaches maturity without having acquired knowledge”. A phenomenon exacerbated by the pandemic which “affected in a different way those in conditions of strength and those in conditions of weakness, exasperating the fragility”, continues the Minister. Bianchi recalled that “we are in a phase of structural formation in the country. If we are unable to intervene on training capacities, the gap between those who are able to dominate the new technologies and those who are not will increase”. It is therefore necessary to “act with active labor and training policies. The two things travel together” because they are the very basis of our Republic.

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