Covid Italy today, infections rise: “+ 43% in a week”

Coronavirus infections in Italy are on the rise. “At the national level, after 7 weeks there is a reversal of the trend of new weekly cases which in the last week increased by 43.2%, with a 7-day moving average which went from 2,553 on 19 October to 3,655 on 26 October” . This was underlined by Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, commenting on the results of the weekly monitoring of the foundation in the period 20-26 October. Gimbe notes the slight increase in currently positive cases (75,046 vs 74,546), people in home isolation (72,101 vs 71,768) and hospitalizations with symptoms (2,604 vs 2,423), while intensive care (341 vs 355) and deaths decrease (249 vs 271). ). Read also The increase in cases, which could be partly influenced by the 21.1% increase in total tampons compared to the previous week (2,604,550 vs 2,151,081) – points out Gimbe – certainly follows an increase in viral circulation for two reasons: first of all, for the reversal of the trend on hospitalizations in the medical area, secondly – he concludes – because in the face of a slightly decreasing positive / antigenic tampons ratio, due to the enormous increase in the denominator, there is an increase in positive / molecular swab ratio (from 2.4% on 19 October to 3.5% on 26 October) with an average of 36 per day compared to 39 in the previous week.In the week 20-26 October 2021, all Regions except Sardinia and Valle D’Aosta, recorded a percentage increase in new cases and in 15 Regions the currently positive cases are growing. There are 33 Provinces with an incidence ≥50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants: among these the Province of Trieste records over 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Deaths decreased: 249 in the last 7 days (of which 29 referred to previous periods), with an average of 36 per day compared to 39 in the previous week.At the same time, the number of new ones fell by 52.9% compared to last week vaccinated against Covid-19. The 7-day moving average decreased from 58,620 on 19 October to 27,601 on 26 October; in the last week only 193,205 were newly vaccinated. And with almost 7.5 million without any dose of vaccine, the goal of reaching 90% vaccination coverage in over 12s is gone. Vaccination coverage with at least one dose of vaccine is highly variable in different age groups: from 97% of over 80 to 72.9% of the 12-19 group. In general, compared to the previous week, there are increasingly modest increases: the number of vaccinated with at least one dose increases by 0.7% in the 12-19, 20-29 and 30-39 age groups, by 0.5% in the in the 40-49 range, 0.4% in the 50-59 range, while in the over 60s the increase does not exceed 0.2. As of October 27th, 1,191,327 third doses were administered, of which 224,597 additional doses and 966,730 booster doses , with a daily average of 29,000 administrations. The national vaccination coverage rate for additional doses is 25.6% with clear regional differences: from 0.9% in Valle D’Aosta to 98.8% in Umbria. The national coverage with the booster dose is 32.3% also here with considerable differences between the Regions: from 10% in Calabria to 73.8% in Molise.

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